At Arise, we are passionate about loving kids and teaching them about Jesus. We want our kids to learn the stories of the Bible in a meaningful, memorable way. Here's what you can expect when you join us on Sunday mornings!
A check-in/check-out system
Small groups divided up by age (6 months-3rd grade)
Large-group mini-lessons followed by age-appropriate deeper small-group lessons
Engaging worship music
Monthly Bible memory verses and Bible points
Hands-on activities
We are in the final year of a 3-year curriculum by Group Publishing called Simply Loved. Every quarter explores the Old and New Testaments. In this curriculum, kids journey chronologically through the Bible, and discover friendship with Jesus throughout God's story. Simply Loved features twelve quarters of all-new content. Each quarter is divided into three units, each with its own featured Bible Memory Buddy.
We also occasionally utilize RightNow Media. If you would like to use this resource at home, click to find out more about accessing it for free.
We couldn't run each Sunday without our amazing AriseKids volunteers! Lead teachers must be members of Arise, and both lead teachers and our adult helpers are background checked before being added to our serving schedule.
At ARISE we love kids. We consider it a great privilege to get to teach and lead these little lives. We don’t offer our kid’s programming because we want to get the kids out of the sanctuary, kids are always welcome to stay upstairs. However, we recognize that often kids learn better when things are presented in a way that is engaging and geared toward young minds.
Check out our youth options below.